Skin Cure - An Effective External Oil For Skin Diseases

MRP : Rs. 170 Max Discount(%) : Negotiable

Very effective oil for a variety of skin diseases like eczema, allergy, fungal infections, discoloration, itching, urticaria, dermatitis, pigmentation, scabies, ulcerous wounds etc

Catalog No : 5

Packing : Available in 100ml, 200ml & 500ml

Seller Looking For Distributors

  • Contact PersonDr. Spencer Jones
  • Company NameDr. Stanley Jones Siddha Pharmacy (p) Ltd.
  • Catalog
  • PAN
  • Business TurnoverRs. 20lac - Rs. 30lac
  • Required InvestmentRs. 2lac - Rs.5lac
  • Infrastructure RequiredStorage Space
  • Target MarketPAN India

Product Description

Very effective oil for a variety of skin diseases like eczema, allergy, fungal infections, discoloration, itching, urticaria, dermatitis, pigmentation, scabies, ulcerous wounds etc

Company Information

Dr.Stanley Jones Siddha Pharmacy (P) Ltd is one of the very first exclusive Siddha pharmacy in Kerala. Offer a limited set of six products selected from among the most effective or Dr.Stanley\'s traditional formulations. *** REMOVED BECAUSE OF ABUSIVE WORDS - July 27' 2023 ***

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